Tuesday, November 27, 2007

The Fact Hub: Fact Check: Polls Show Hillary Beating All Republicans

There were two polls yesterday that pitted Hillary versus her potential Republican challengers. One was an online poll by Zogby that found Hillary trailing Republicans, the other was a poll from Gallup that found Hillary beating all Republicans by substantial margins.

Which do you think got more coverage?

As of about 9AM, the Zogby poll was covered on TV news 15 times and the Gallup poll was mentioned twice – by the Hillary campaign's Mark Penn and Ann Lewis.

The Gallup poll showed that if Hillary was the nominee she would beat Giuliani by five points but if Sen. Obama was the nominee the race would be tied. Gallup also showed Hillary beating John McCain (by 6 points), Mitt Romney (by 16 points) and Fred Thompson (by 13 points). Hillary also leads all Republican contenders in Real Clear Politics' poll average.


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