Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Politico: Edwards immigration stance muddled as HRC's

"Former Senator John Edwards has been accusing his rival Hillary Clinton of double-talk for a week, since she refused to say clearly whether illegal immigrants should get drivers licenses – but his own position on the issue is also incoherent, experts say.

Immigration policy experts on both sides of the debate say they're puzzled by Edwards’ stance, which appears to hinge on blurring the distinction between state and federal powers.

"He supports licenses as part of a path to citizenship. He doesn't support the Spitzer plan because it doesn't include a path to citizenship," said Edwards' deputy campaign manager, Jonathan Prince, in an e-mail, referring to the New York governor’s plan that prompted the question that flummoxed Clinton.

"That's not a rational position – Eliot Spitzer couldn't ever offer somebody a path to citizenship," said Margie McHugh, the Co-Director of the National Center on Immigrant Integration Policy at the Migration Policy Institute, which favors immigration reform."

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