Thursday, November 1, 2007

Politico: Bush Supported Driver's Licenses for Undocumented too

"Complicating matters for the giddy Republicans, though, is the fact that at least one prominent member of their own party backed a measure similar to what Spitzer is pushing.

In 2004, then-Florida Gov. Jeb Bush backed a bill that would enable illegal immigrants to obtain driver's licenses.

“We shouldn't allow them to come into the country to begin with, but once they're here, what do you do?" Bush said, according to an AP story from April of 2004.

"Do you basically say that they're lepers to society? That they don't exist? … A policy that ignores them is a policy of denial."

The bill failed after law enforcement officials in the state expressed opposition, questioning how criminal background checks could be done in foreign countries."

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