Sunday, November 4, 2007

John Edwards & Driver's Licenses

John Edwards has made his name in recent news cycles by vehemently arguing that Senator Clinton apparently "waffled" in her response to the New York governor's plan to issue licenses to undocumented workers. However, this morning on ABC's This Week, Edwards rejected the plan without hesitation or qualification.

Interestingly on the night of the debate when asked, by a show of hands, those who were completely against the proposal, only Chris Dodd raised his hand. Isn't Edwards now guilty of what he has been criticizing Senator Clinton for?

"At the debate and on ABC's This Week this past Sunday, Edwards drew a distinction between himself and Sen. Hillary Clinton, D-NY, saying he disagreed with New York Gov. Eliot Spitzer's proposal to grant drivers licenses to undocumented immigrants. Clinton backs the proposal as a way of solving crimes and promoting road safety."

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