Wednesday, November 7, 2007

USA Today: Giuliani, Clinton maintain leads in double digits

WASHINGTON — Eight weeks before the opening Iowa caucuses, Rudy Giuliani is holding on to significant support among social conservatives and a double-digit lead in the Republican presidential field, a USA TODAY/Gallup Poll finds.

The former New York City mayor continues to defy predictions by conservative Christian leaders and others that his support of abortion rights and gay rights would make him unacceptable to "values voters." Just 7% of those Republicans who call themselves conservative on moral issues say they definitely won't vote for him.

Among Democrats, Hillary Rodham Clinton's formidable standing is unshaken despite escalating criticism by her rivals and disappointing reviews of her performance at last week's debate. The New York senator is backed by 50% of Democrats and Democratic-leaning independents, compared with 22% for Illinois Sen. Barack Obama and 15% for former North Carolina senator John Edwards.

The Democratic race "is a locomotive with Hillary Clinton's face on it," political analyst Charlie Cook says. "On the Republican side, it looks like the TV show Survivor."

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