Political Musings
Monday, November 19, 2007
YouTube: Obama Yells at Woman Voter
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Time: Why Oprah Won't Help Obama
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Obama Fumbles Again
Senator Clinton's New Ad
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Senator Clinton Standing Her Ground
Newsweek: HRC: TCB in Vegas. A Conversion Story.
NY Times: Clinton and Clark Campaign in Iowa
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YouTube: Obama Yells at Woman Voter
Chicago Sun-Times: Lynn Sweet: Obama, Clinton clas...
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The Fact Hub: Obama Campaign Tactics
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Re: Driver's Licenses
CNN Poll: Clinton has large lead in Nevada prior t...
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Soon to be released poll numbers...
Chris Matthews = Douchebag
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NY Times: A Not-So-Perfect Picture of Party Unity
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The Fact Hub: Fact Check: Sen. Obama on Records
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New HIllary Clinton (energy) TV Ad
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Russert Got It WRONG
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Clinton Campaign: The Fact Hub
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TIme: What Hillary Stands For
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Get involved with the Clinton campaign...
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I hate (The Atlantic's) Andrew Sullivan
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Political Fact Checking (fun site)
Washington Post: Hillary Tries to Rock the Vote
The Politics of Pile On
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Awesome (unofficial) Hillary Ad
ABC News: Edwards' All-White Campaign Ad
Politico: Bush Supported Driver's Licenses for Und...
Newsweek: Obama a white man?
Washington Post: Foreign Policy Grown-Ups
The Boston Globe: What Hillary said.
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Jesús Castillón
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