Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Senator Clinton's New Ad

Clinton ad strikes back at attacking Republicans

"CONCORD – Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton, D-N.Y., unleashes her first negative ad today, hitting back at leading Republican hopefuls who in recent weeks have launched assaults at her over the airwaves.

The ad forcefully makes the argument that she's become the favorite target of Mitt Romney, Rudy Giuliani and Sen. John McCain of Arizona because she stands the best chance of beating any of them in a November 2008 general election. The commercial viewed by The Telegraph on Monday opens with slowly moving video images but not the audio from Romney and McCain ads critical of the New York senator.

"Here they go again – the same old Republican attack machine is back. Why?" the announcer begins in this new, 30-second commercial.

"Maybe it's because they know that there's one candidate with the strength and experience to get us out of Iraq, one candidate who will end tax giveaways for the big corporations, one candidate committed to cutting the huge Republican deficit and one candidate who will put government back to work for the middle class."

The ad will air on TV stations in New Hampshire and Massachusetts.

Romney, former governor of Massachusetts, began airing a commercial earlier this month blasting "Hillary and the other Democrats" for wanting to give illegal aliens an eventual path to citizenship if they pay fines, unpaid taxes and learn English.

McCain had his own TV commercial that lampooned Clinton as a pork barrel politician for favoring $1 million towards a museum to honor rock concerts at Woodstock, N.Y.

In September, Giuliani, former mayor of New York, purchased a full-page ad in the New York Times blasting Clinton for attacking the character of Iraq war commander Gen. Anthony Petraeus, the architect of the surge of American troops sent to Iraq last summer."


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